I often used to get “sucked into” debugging and diagnostic projects. This little utility helps to prevent that – it is basically an alarm clock that hides in the system tray and goes off at preset intervals with a choice of notifications (annoying noise, popup message, flash scroll-lock LED).
Download from here.
Upon launch, this program will ask for some parameters:
- The time interval which to alert you at
- How to alert you:
- Flash the scroll-lock LED on your keyboard
- Beep at you
- Show a popup message
After setting the parameters and clicking OK, Segtimer will hide in your notification area (the “tray”). The tray icon has several actions:
- Left mouse button double-click: Reset timer
- Middle mouse button click: Edit parameters
- Right mouse button double-click: Close Segtimer
To launch Segtimer with preset parameters (e.g. from your Startup folder), use the following syntax:
For example, to alert at 40-minute intervals with [F]lashing scroll-lock, [B]eep but no [P]opup, call: